Two letter words in English

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 Check List Of Common Two Letter Words

You Can't express your thoughts or ideas you can not communicate with each other until you know the meaning of any word.
That means basic Words are very important for everyone who wants to communicate in the English language
Two latter words are commonly used by the kids while they are trying to speak words at the Beginning.
    If we Really wanted To make our Kids Fluent in the English Language then we need to search and provide basic Letters from two-letter words to the kids.

List Of Common Two Letter Words In English

-मला    As-म्हणून,एखाद्या सारखा किंवा             एखाद्याप्रमाणे                                         दिसणारा,तेवढा,जसा,तसा
He-    तो ,तृतीय पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम-तो     We-आम्ही ,आपण 
So-    त्यामुळे,इतका,इतका कि ,अश्या प्रकारचा ,फार     Be-असणे,होणे,वेळ ठरवणे,घडणे
By-    द्वारे,जवळ,मधून,जवळून,वेळी    Or-किंवा,अथवा
Do-    करणे,काम करणे,उपजीविकेचे साधन म्हणून काही करणे,च्यासाठी उपयोगी असणे    If -तर ,या अटीवर ,जर तर ,असे                     असते 
Hi-हाय,अहो,अरे     Bi-दोनदा,दोन अंगे असलेला,दोन बाजू असलेला
Ex-उदा ,जुना     Ok-ठीक आहे,संतोषकारक रीतीने,ठीक,बरोबर,संतोषकारक संमती

Listed down are some of the most common two-letter words and sentences that your kid can learn quickly.

  • Talk To Me
  • She Is An Anchor
  • Try to smile
  • She Lied To Me
  • Let's go to the playground.
  • I slept for almost an hour.
  • I hope to see you on Monday.
  • This is a red flower.
  • My name is Rudra
  • He took my Book
  • Hi, how are you?
  • We are going for Lunch
  • Ok, thank you very very much. 
  • You can take Biscuits or chocolate. 
  • The dog sat on a Table
  • Do you have a pen? 
  • I go to school every day. 
  • I went to the market with my Father
  • I like my Card. 
  • He can ride a Cart. 
  • Can you buy me ice cream?
  • This is a pretty hat. 
  • Can you help me, please?
  • There are strawberries in the box. 

Beginner Two-letter Words


  1. She Is An  Actress
  2.  She was an only child
  3.  He swam to an island
  4.  All dissensions are at an end!
  5.  He wanted... needed an answer.
  1. Maybe you should go home.
  2. Let’s go to the park.
  3. Do not let her go near the fire.
  4. I had to go back to my home.
  5. Where did he go?
  • Do
  1. Do not play with fire.
  2. I want to do my best in the recitation competition.
  3. You can do it.
  4. Do follow the instructions given by our class teacher.
  5. Do you want to play hide and seek?


  1. No problem
  2. No one likes partiality.
  3. I have no Sisters
  4. Rudra has no friends.
  5. There is no Proof of the crime.


  1. Talk to Rama.
  2. Try to Cry.
  3. Let’s go to the playground.
  4. She lied to me.
  5. I hope to see you on Monday.


  1. Excuse me.
  2. Let me out
  3. Start with me.
  4. Call me after the exam 
  5. How Can you help me?


  1. He is my bestie
  2. He walks Fastly
  3. He has lots of Comics
  4. He gave it to Sister
  5. Where is he from House?
  6. He loves Cats.


  1. It is too late to go to school.
  2. What is this?
  3. Is that a cat?
  4. She is my class teacher.
  5. My mother is a doctor.


  1. My mother is as beautiful as a rose flower.
  2. Do as your parents tell you.
  3. Brother runs as fast as I.
  4. I’m as tall as Abu.
  5. Take as many as you want.


  1. Look at me.
  2. She’s at home.
  3. I’m bad at playing cricket.
  4. I woke up at 6 am.
  5. Don’t throw stones at home.


  1. Is it okay if I take one pencil?
  2. You can go if you want.
  3. Do you mind if I switch off the television?
  4. If you need a crayon, I’ll lend you one.
  5. If you study hard, you’ll pass the exam.


  1. Of course.
  2. I’m sure of it.
  3. I’m aware of it.
  4. Take care of yourself.
  5. I have two types of crayons.


  1. He lives in Chennai.
  2. I saw a boat in the picture.
  3. We love to play in the park.
  4. My sister is in kindergarten.
  5. I’ll come back in ten minutes.


  1. You’ll be okay.
  2. Don’t be sad.
  3. My mom must be angry.
  4. I’ll be back at four.
  5. Be kind to old people.


  1. Our father taught us singing.
  2. Come with us.
  3. Our mother bought us a kitty.
  4. Minnie is teaching French to us.
  5. She sang a Korean song for us.


  1. What is it?
  2. It is my pencil.
  3. It smells terrible.
  4. Where did you get it from?
  5. My sister gave it to me.


  1. I love my country.
  2. This is my book.
  3. Look at my painting.
  4. Where is my eraser?
  5. I love my mother’s pancakes.


  1. Keep my book on the table.
  2. Can I turn on the radio?
  3. Let’s meet on Monday.
  4. My birthday is on April 14.
  5. Oil will float on water.


  1. Who runs faster, Tom or Kevin?
  2. Do you like crayons or watercolor?
  3. About ten or twenty minutes ago.
  4. You can give it back on Tuesday or Wednesday.
  5. Go to your mom or dad.


  1. We are a family.
  2. When will we meet grandma and grandpa?
  3. We should go there.
  4. We love picnics.
  5. We are happy.

language development happens at a very young age. Therefore it is important to make your child understand the basics of a language. Now you have plenty of words for your kid. So select words according to the age of your kid. Instead of choosing big words, start with small words, otherwise, they will feel it like a burden for them. Step by step they’ll fall in love with words and letters. language

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